BOABC Membership Application Form

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Personal Details

This email address will be your login username

Employer Details
(If applicable)

Please check here to pick your zone


The Annual Membership Dues (April 1 – March 31) are as follows:

$641.53 Plus GST – Regular and all Associate Memberships

Please Note: All new membership applications (except Student) will be charged a fee of $125.00 plus GST

Pro-rated annual fees for Regular and all Associate Memberships are as follows:

      April 1st – June 30th (full annual fee) $641.53 + GST
      July 1st – September 30th ( ¾ of the of annual fee) $481.15 + GST
      October 1st – December 31st ( ½ of the annual fee) $320.77 + GST
      January 1st – March 31st ( ¼ of the annual fee) $160.38 + GST

$37.69 + GST – Student Membership

$37.69 + GST – Retired Membership

For refunds, please refer to Refunds Policy 4.18

All Provincial, City and Municipal Building Inspectors and/or Plan Checkers employed in the Province of British Columbia are eligible for “regular’ membership.

Membership is open to individuals employed by the Province of British Columbia, the Yukon Territory or a Local Authority in British Columbia or the Yukon, who is actively involved in the development or administration of building regulations but not eligible for regular membership.

Membership is open to individuals employed by Companies, Professional Organizations, and Trade Associations allied with the Building Industry.

Membership is open to persons employed by various branches of Government service.

Membership shall be open to any person who is actively enrolled and participating in a course of study related to Building Regulations at a post-secondary educational facility. Admission is subject to satisfactory evidence of their eligibility to the Registrar.

Membership is open to those who are no longer employed in the Building Industry.

This information is collected by the Building Officials' Association of British Columbia under 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used to develop, administer, and assess credential and education programs under the Building Officials' Association Act and the Building Act. Should you have any questions about the collection of this personal information, please contact the Executive Director of the Association at or 604-270-9516.